Diana Tashimbetova is a third-year architecture student at the Kazakh University school of Technology and Business. She has loved dancing from a young age and has won many competitions, and also has a love of music that she showcases through piano and singing. She is also an avid skier and enjoys a trip to the mountains for a burst of energy.
She has a large family of 27 who she enjoys spending time with in nature. Her mother is her closest friend, her rock, and her inspiration. When her mother was diagnosed with cancer, Tashimbetova became a strong support for her and started the #senzhalgyzenmissin campaign against cancer to raise awareness and fight the horrible disease.
She is also passionate about charitable causes supporting orphans and marginalized women. Her mother took her to volunteer at the Almaty District orphanage as a child and Tashimbetova has been returning ever since. She is also a member of the republican League of Volunteers to provide service to those in need.
Tashimbetova believes that love is the engine of the world, and that sincerity and kindness makes us better.