Andreína Martínez draws courage and inspiration from her unique Dominican and U.S dual-citizenship and migrating story. At the age of 13 and without the ability to speak a single word of English, Martínez moved from a rural part of the Dominican Republic to face the urban challenges of the Bronx in New York City.
Martínez is the winner of Google’s Pay it Forward Award for her dedication to her community and earned a BA in Psychology from the City College of New York. Before graduating Magna Cum Laude, she earned a coveted spot as a Capitol Hill Intern in Washington D.C. working at Senator Kristen Gillibrand’s office. It was there that she discovered her passion for the preservation of female rights and has become an advocate for public policy that advances women.
Her struggle as an immigrant sparked a fire in her to protect systematically marginalized communities. She currently works at The Women’s Equality Center, a nonprofit organization directed solely by women that resiliently guards the rights of women in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Martínez’s ultimate goal is to become the first female ambassador of the Dominican Republic in the United Nations. Andreina is a firm believer that your background does not define your future, but your courage, determination and persistence do.